Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Anastacia had all four of her very impacted wisdom teeth surgically removed yesterday. So, of course, today she wanted to go shopping.

I probably shouldn't have let her, since she's still on heavy narcotics, but I'm glad I did. We both spent an amazing amount of money. It was all on work clothes, which excuses anything--right? Now I have three suits and a bevy of attractive work-appropriate high heels. Anastacia bought two dresses, a suitcoat, four pairs of pants, two skirts, about seventeen shirts, and a pair of shoes. At retail, the total came to something north of $1100.00. By dint of excellent sales and wise use of coupons, she paid less than $250.

Yeah, I know. I want some of what she's having. Hydrocodone, I think.


Blogger sophie said...

Kinda scary that Ves is related to her, huh?

25 August, 2005 13:02  
Blogger Lizzie said...

Hey now, hey now! I intend to take as much and as strong of painkiller as necessary, thank you very much. Hydrocodone,eh?....

26 August, 2005 08:25  

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