help? please help?
So the well of creativity, she is dry. The muse, she is gone. The self-discipline--you're kidding, right? In a nutshell, folks, I can barely manage to get myself out of bed and decently dressed before I decide that the day is far too advanced for any serious intellectual work. Nothing is getting done.
I need help. I solicit assistance from you, my faithful readers. You are welcome to send me chocolate and encouraging cards, but what I really need is a good kick in the pants. So please put them in the comments. I'm looking for the following format: "If you don't [do whatever], [bad thing] will happen to you."
"If you don't send Christie Chapter 14 by the 17th, ravenous lions will hunt you down and rend you limb from limb."
"If you don't sit in front of your computer writing for at least two hours today, your library privileges will be revoked and Mrs. Nafziger will track you down and force you to surrender your card and sing that annoying 'Fifty, Nifty' song with all the states in proper order."
Please be very specific with goals and very specific with potential consequences. I need something to hang above my desk and look at when I am tempted to slack.
I need help. I solicit assistance from you, my faithful readers. You are welcome to send me chocolate and encouraging cards, but what I really need is a good kick in the pants. So please put them in the comments. I'm looking for the following format: "If you don't [do whatever], [bad thing] will happen to you."
"If you don't send Christie Chapter 14 by the 17th, ravenous lions will hunt you down and rend you limb from limb."
"If you don't sit in front of your computer writing for at least two hours today, your library privileges will be revoked and Mrs. Nafziger will track you down and force you to surrender your card and sing that annoying 'Fifty, Nifty' song with all the states in proper order."
Please be very specific with goals and very specific with potential consequences. I need something to hang above my desk and look at when I am tempted to slack.
Well because I didn't get to know you very well, and your close friends are WAY too nice, I will encourage you the way you need to be encouraged. SUZANNE, if you DO NOT get writing your book and sending chapters onto Christie, bees will sting out your eyes and you your computer will melt into a huge pile of metal and plastic, deeming it useless and an expensive piece of bad art. Oh and your Jeep will be shipped off to Utah where I will named the owner, free of charge. You NEED to stop playing on this blog page and go WRITE!! The bees are coming the bees are coming!! Have a nice day!
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