Sunday, September 04, 2005

mostly little news

Chief Justice William Rehnquist died yesterday. I am totally unqualified to comment about it. So I'll stick to my own little news.

To wit:

Mom canned sixty pounds of green chile this week. I did all the prep work. Skinning and seeding hot chile leaves the hands almost bleached white, and they will tingle for the rest of the day. Proper professional chile-cleaning wear includes rubber gloves and respiratory protection. I had neither, so I made do with lots of cold carbonated drinks and cheese sticks (calms down the throat when you've breathed too much capsaican.)

We also canned pears. I did lots of peeling and slicing and cleaning. By the second or third canning day, I was deputized to do the actual canning. It seemed to work. We'll see in the winter. We marked the jars I did so we know who to blame if someone gets botullism.

Anastacia and I went shopping AGAIN yesterday. Her good shopping karma continued to benefit me.

Gwyn and I made a fresh peach pie from scratch this afternoon. Even the peaches were homegrown, if not by us. It was enormous, and it turned out beautifully. This evening we will make a plum tart. Still no idea what we're going to do with the other million or so pears we have ripening on the back porch. Pear tarte tatin?

I start New Job on Tuesday, early. Please wish me luck.

Gas prices are outrageous, so Little Bear is consuming more soybean oil than usual. The petroleum stuff is just too expensive.

I had to teach Sunday School today. It did not totally stink, which was as high as I was aiming.

Recommended book of the week is Hot Water by P. G. Wodehouse. No Jeeves, no Wooster, no kidding. Anyone disinclined to read may watch recommended movie of the week, Finding Neverland. Yes, I actually watched a movie this week. And yes, I know you've all already seen it. And told me I'd like it. And are rolling your eyes because I never pay attention to you. Sorry.

I get to start jiu-jitsu again in October, when New Job's New Medical Coverage kicks in. COBRA's too expensive to mess with.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the food thing sounds "delicious"

The job thing sounds "its about time"

The jiu-jitsu thing sounds "better be careful"

The book thing...yeah nothing is said about the book thing.... so

"Christie better get something soon or she is going to keeeeeelllllll you" (said in evil voice from emperors new groove)

Hope things are going to me....

11 September, 2005 00:37  

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