Sunday, November 27, 2005


They're all headed back to their homes in Utah, and Dad is back on travel. I never want to eat again. It will be nice to have my room to myself, now that 'Stacia can return to her own domain. I was running out of floor space to throw my clothes onto.

We did have a lovely weekend, although it was marred somewhat by sickness. (Effect's diabetes has been acting up.) I've missed jiu jitsu this week, which has given my bruises an opportunity to heal, but has also put me in a questionable temper. We are three weeks away from the big Wedding, and the diet is going exactly as expected. ("Diet? What is this strange, how you say, diet?") Work is much more fun, now I'm no longer quite so feeble, but the weather has turned, and I am likely to freeze to death when I try to leave the house tomorrow.

I miss Alden and fam. We talked yesterday by computer, and I noticed that version 2.1.3 is getting big and has a winning smile. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 were wonderful as well. I am checking fares . . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suz,
You snoozin'!?! Haven't seen a post in a bit.

We miss you. Are you going to come back with us after Christmas or is work too fun?


18 January, 2006 10:17  
Blogger Lizzie said...

I love you, Suzy--you're wonderful. Thank you so, so much. Are you in Nc right now? Mom said something about you being out there for work. How is it?

31 January, 2006 23:02  

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