Sunday, June 05, 2005

what next?

Sorry it's been such a spotty posting week. I've been training at work, which curtails my leisurely web browsing. My trainee is excellent, by the way. All our new people are going to be good dispatchers--no turkeys in this bunch.

I leave town with a little U-Haul and all my earthly possessions on June 19th. I leave the country on June 21st. With luck, new niece will have graced us with her presence by that time. After two weeks on the French-Swiss border, I'll head back to Salt Lake, via Albuquerque. Chrissie's coming with me. She has friends to see and I have another few days of full-time employment before stepping into the void. Back to New Mexico on the 10th and on to whatever the new life has in store for me. So far, I'm fairly sure it will involve sunbathing at the pool and canoeing with my Dad. It will also involve finishing the final draft of ECHO and submitting it to my agent by the first of August.


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