Friday, October 14, 2005


Sorry about the long hiatus. No one seems to be blogging or reading--what is this, guys, hibernation? Myself, I've been spending a lot of time in the car (lots of places in Santa Fe to visit) and even more time asleep. I suspect I had a minor cold, since twelve hours a night is a bit much, even for me. Eh. I feel better now.

It's Friday, and I'm still in my pajamas. I spent an hour this morning at the kitchen table, typing the last few testimonies on a case I finished yesterday. In about twenty minutes, I need to call in for a teleconference in honor of us newbies. And then the work day is over.

Since Mom and Anastacia are in New York, looking at the culinary school, I am Subpar Mom. I showed up late to get Eddie to his soccer game last night, I gave everyone leftovers for dinner, and the laundry has gone nowhere. On the other hand, I was up at 5:15 this morning preparing lentil soup and building a fire. I even made lunches. And then I fell asleep in front of the fire until Eddie was nearly late for school. Poor kid. I woke up enough to tell him to get his shoes on and watch him pack his backpack. Then I told him to have a nice day and shut my eyes again. "Wait," he said, wounded, "aren't you going to drive me to school?"

Er, no. Was I supposed to? Has the distance from the house to the elementary school grown since my day? Is it not less than an eighth of a mile?

He rode his bike.


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