Monday, October 31, 2005

return to salt lake

Well, I returned for a weekend. It was Sharon's birthday (happy birthday Sharon!), and the party was too good to miss. I flew out on Friday evening and back this morning. In between, I ate. A lot. We do that at our parties. I've missed being close to a dim sum place, and I had a nice Italian meal reminiscent of Anastacia's last major formal dinner. I also bought quinces. Who can resist a nice juicy quince at the end of October? (Almost all of us, I think. But I have high hopes that 'Stacia will do something with them.) Marie made a Queen of Sheba chocolate almond torte with creme anglaise. It was worth every one of those adjectives.

Back in New Mexico, we have jack-o-lanterns and last-minute Halloween costumes. We also have jiu-jitsu, my Halloween night activity of choice. I was going to apologize for my laziness in not writing by the lack of events around here, but that's a poor excuse. I have gone back to jiu-jitsu, which deserves a lot more ink than I've given it. Many thanks to Kris, who is responsible for provoking me (back) into violence. My first experience at the Santa Fe club involved the insane Brazilian three-time world champion, who had everyone else in the class carrying people around the room for half an hour. I did not participate. I do not approve of anything that could result in me dropping someone on the floor. As a girl, I was given a pass. (I play this card more than I should.) The actual fighting was a kick, though. I could barely walk the next morning.

Somehow the subject of matches and smokebombs just came up in the context of trick-or-treating. I don't want to know. This is my mantra: I don't want to know.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

back to normal

Mom is home, and the house is once again a clean and welcoming place. And the food is much better--you'd think I could heat up soup properly, but I lack the magic touch.

Effect gave me a lovely pedicure on Saturday night, while we watched Pride and Prejudice. And no, don't all be checking your cheat sheets. Effect is the brother you think he is.

The job goes well, particularly the part of the job that allows me to shuffle around until noon before doing any real work. Pretty cool, that. And I'm not a slacker--I simply wake up slowly. I make up for it by working fairly late into the evening. I got stood up twice today, for major interviews, so I didn't end up talking to anyone. I wrote up testimonies instead, lying on my belly in front of the wood stove with a cool drink to my left. Ahhh. And they pay me.

Martin and Luther (the rats) are slowly learning their ratty names. Eventually, they will come when I call.

No writing yet. Check back later in the week.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

pioneer children

Dad took us wood-collecting this morning. There were supposed to be cut logs for the taking by the ski hill, and so we hitched up the trailer and headed up, complaining all the way. The place was more or less cleaned out--the only remaining logs were uncut and unmoveable, not that this stopped us. With a great deal of complaining and perhaps a little cussing, we managed to get these ex-trees into the trailer. One of these days, we will chop them up with ax and chainsaw to a size more appropriate for a wood stove. We probably got at least a cord of wood. I have R.C. building a fire right now--we deserve it.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Sorry about the long hiatus. No one seems to be blogging or reading--what is this, guys, hibernation? Myself, I've been spending a lot of time in the car (lots of places in Santa Fe to visit) and even more time asleep. I suspect I had a minor cold, since twelve hours a night is a bit much, even for me. Eh. I feel better now.

It's Friday, and I'm still in my pajamas. I spent an hour this morning at the kitchen table, typing the last few testimonies on a case I finished yesterday. In about twenty minutes, I need to call in for a teleconference in honor of us newbies. And then the work day is over.

Since Mom and Anastacia are in New York, looking at the culinary school, I am Subpar Mom. I showed up late to get Eddie to his soccer game last night, I gave everyone leftovers for dinner, and the laundry has gone nowhere. On the other hand, I was up at 5:15 this morning preparing lentil soup and building a fire. I even made lunches. And then I fell asleep in front of the fire until Eddie was nearly late for school. Poor kid. I woke up enough to tell him to get his shoes on and watch him pack his backpack. Then I told him to have a nice day and shut my eyes again. "Wait," he said, wounded, "aren't you going to drive me to school?"

Er, no. Was I supposed to? Has the distance from the house to the elementary school grown since my day? Is it not less than an eighth of a mile?

He rode his bike.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

favorite job ever

So it's Thursday. And tomorrow I have to work all of one entire hour. And then I get to go home. And I can wear jeans to work, because I don't have to do anything but type and telephone. I love this "set your own schedule" concept.

Meanwhile, it's been a successful week, by every measure but one: I am the world's least physically organized person. I drop everything. I drop pens (as many as twenty times a day.) I drop paper. I leave my pen in the car. I leave my paper in the car. I leave my badge in the car. I knock things off desks. I leave things on desks. I leave my keys on a desk for an hour while I do interviews in the state penitentiary. That may be the stupidest thing I've done in months. Fortunately, none of the young men wandering around wearing orange jumpsuits and carrying Windex noticed them. My trainer picks my pens up, refrains from making fun of me about the keys incident (most of the time) and silently hands me whatever office supply I've forgotten when I look at him with imploring eyes. The most he's said is, gently, "Suzanne, why don't you get everything organized here in the car before you go in to get those records?"

On the other hand, I rock at this interviewing thing. Having a good memory helps. Being unintimidated helps a lot. Finding it funny when the woman I approach yells, "Why the f*** do you want to know?" is a plus. (It's been months since I've been sworn at by a tweaker, and it's as entertaining in person as it is on the phone.) And being deeply competitive is priceless.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

so far so good

This work business isn't all that bad. In fact, even the early hours aren't too awful. I'm finished around 4 p.m. Needless to say, I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but it's definitely good. Now I await the receipt of an actual paycheck. That's all this job needs to be perfect.

Monday, October 03, 2005

errrr, good morning?

And I've been up for half an hour! I woke up on my own! I feel rested! It's WAY TOO EARLY FOR THIS, folks. The timezone change is doing a number on my traditional messed-up mornings.

But now it's time for breakfast.